Friday, November 29, 2019

Winter Camping Under The Stars With Cheap Gear

Major respect to Steve Wallis. You've got to be pretty badass to sleep under the stars in the snow!

Monday, November 25, 2019

30 Days of Cold Showers: Not What I Was Expecting

I hate the cold and I hate cold showers. I didn't always feel that way ... I remember when I was little I actually liked running through the sprinkler and taking cold showers at the pool. I'm a little intrigued that Nathaniel Drew says cold showers can help keep you warm for the rest of the day. Because it would sure help if I wasn't so bothered by the cold these days, living in northern Indiana and not having a car.

As Matt D'Avella wrote for the second video: "WARNING: If you have a heart condition be smart about it & consult your doctor before taking cold showers."

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Winter Camping Using Cheap Summer Gear, Is It Possible?

Steve Wallis manages to have another good time camping in freezing weather. Beautiful sunset, cool moose encounter. The sound problem goes away quickly.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

We tried vegan for 30 days, here's what happened

Video by "Buff Dudes"
This is a funny video, but I couldn't help but notice these guys didn't mention the ethical concerns of eating factory-farmed animals at all. I imagine they would have stayed on their diet if they knew how much lovable, intelligent animals suffer for the sake of our appetite.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rolling Down to Old Maui - Michael Kelly - (Traditional)

I like this guy's youtube channel. He does a lot of folksy stuff. This is actually an old sea shanty.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Urban Stealth Camping in the Snow

I don't know why I find this guy so fascinating, but I do. Say what you want about how stupid it is for a guy to camp in sub-zero temperatures in a Canadian city, but I can only shake my head in admiration. Unfortunately, as he mentioned, some homeless people are forced to do this.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I Learned Italian in 7 Days

I'm trying to learn Swahili and Toki Pona right now, so I can relate. Not that I have any time limitations or anything, but it's fun to challenge oneself from time to time.

Saturday, November 2, 2019